ADSWARRIOR was born as the marketing arm of APAC Management Consultancy, a Consulting Firm established in 2009 to help foreign companies to enter the Chinese market.
In 2013 APAC MC realized that its Clients were struggling to find decent partners for their marketing needs in China, so it hired professionals from the marketing industry to build and in-house marketing division.
This decision proved to be right because our marketing team was soon engaged not only by the existing Clients of APAC MC, but also from other foreign companies, even those who were already marketing in China.
As a consequence of this success, in 2014 the marketing division of APAC MC was transformed in a stand-alone marketing firm: ADSWARRIOR was born.
Today APAC MC and ADSWARRIOR still work as sister companies and share some members of the management. Therefore our Clients can benefit from the services of both companies.